path: root/.emacs.d/init.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.emacs.d/init.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2557 deletions
diff --git a/.emacs.d/init.el b/.emacs.d/init.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 04133fe..0000000
--- a/.emacs.d/init.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2557 +0,0 @@
-;;; init.el --- bandali's emacs configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Amin Bandali <>
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; GNU Emacs configuration of Amin Bandali, computer scientist,
-;; Free Software activist, and GNU maintainer & webmaster. Packages
-;; are installed through GNU Guix for a fully reproducible setup.
-;; Before switching to Guix, I used straight.el, and before that Borg.
-;; Over the years, I've taken inspiration from configurations of many
-;; great people. Some that I can remember off the top of my head are:
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;; -
-;;; Code:
-;;; Emacs initialization
-(defvar b/before-user-init-time (current-time)
- "Value of `current-time' when Emacs begins loading `user-init-file'.")
-(defvar b/emacs-initialized nil
- "Whether Emacs has been initialized.")
-(when (not (bound-and-true-p b/emacs-initialized))
- (message "Loading Emacs...done (%.3fs)"
- (float-time (time-subtract b/before-user-init-time
- before-init-time))))
-;; temporarily increase `gc-cons-threshhold' and `gc-cons-percentage'
-;; during startup to reduce garbage collection frequency. clearing
-;; `file-name-handler-alist' seems to help reduce startup time too.
-(defvar b/gc-cons-threshold gc-cons-threshold)
-(defvar b/gc-cons-percentage gc-cons-percentage)
-(defvar b/file-name-handler-alist file-name-handler-alist)
-(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 30 1024 1024) ; 30 MiB
- gc-cons-percentage 0.6
- file-name-handler-alist nil
- ;; sidesteps a bug when profiling with esup
- esup-child-profile-require-level 0)
-;; set them back to their defaults once we're done initializing
-(defun b/post-init ()
- "My post-initialize function, run after loading `user-init-file'."
- (setq b/emacs-initialized t
- gc-cons-threshold b/gc-cons-threshold
- gc-cons-percentage b/gc-cons-percentage
- file-name-handler-alist b/file-name-handler-alist)
- (with-eval-after-load 'exwm-workspace
- (setq-default
- mode-line-format
- (append
- mode-line-format
- '((:eval
- (format
- "[%s]" (number-to-string
- exwm-workspace-current-index))))))))
-(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'b/post-init)
-;; increase number of lines kept in *Messages* log
-(setq message-log-max 20000)
-;; optionally, uncomment to supress some byte-compiler warnings
-;; (see C-h v byte-compile-warnings RET for more info)
-;; (setq byte-compile-warnings
-;; '(not free-vars unresolved noruntime lexical make-local))
-;;; whoami
-(setq user-full-name "Amin Bandali"
- user-mail-address "")
-;;; comment macro
-;; useful for commenting out multiple sexps at a time
-(defmacro comment (&rest _)
- "Comment out one or more s-expressions."
- (declare (indent defun))
- nil)
-;;; Package management
-;; No package.el (for emacs 26 and before)
-(when (version< emacs-version "27")
- (setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
- ;; (package-initialize)
- )
-;; for emacs 27 and later, we use early-init.el. see
-;; use-package
-(if nil ; set to t when need to debug init
- (progn
- (setq use-package-verbose t
- use-package-expand-minimally nil
- use-package-compute-statistics t
- debug-on-error t)
- (require 'use-package))
- (setq use-package-verbose nil
- use-package-expand-minimally t))
-(setq use-package-always-defer t)
-(require 'bind-key)
-;;; Initial setup
-(defvar b/exwm-p (string= (system-name) "chaman")
- "Whether or not we will be using `exwm'.")
-;; keep ~/.emacs.d clean
-(use-package no-littering
- :demand
- :config
- (defalias 'b/etc 'no-littering-expand-etc-file-name)
- (defalias 'b/var 'no-littering-expand-var-file-name))
-;; separate custom file (don't want it mixing with init.el)
-(use-package custom
- :no-require
- :config
- (setq custom-file (b/etc "custom.el"))
- (when (file-exists-p custom-file)
- (load custom-file))
- ;; while at it, treat themes as safe
- (setf custom-safe-themes t)
- ;; only one custom theme at a time
- (comment
- (defadvice load-theme (before clear-previous-themes activate)
- "Clear existing theme settings instead of layering them"
- (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))))
-;; load the secrets file if it exists, otherwise show a warning
- (with-demoted-errors
- (load (b/etc "secrets"))))
-;; start up emacs server. see
-(use-package server
- :defer 0.4
- :config (or (server-running-p) (server-mode)))
-;;; Useful utilities
-;; useful libraries
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'subr-x)
-(defmacro b/setq-every (value &rest vars)
- "Set all the variables from VARS to value VALUE."
- (declare (indent defun) (debug t))
- `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (list 'setq x value)) vars)))
-(defun b/start-process (program &rest args)
- "Same as `start-process', but doesn't bother about name and buffer."
- (let ((process-name (concat program "_process"))
- (buffer-name (generate-new-buffer-name
- (concat program "_output"))))
- (apply #'start-process
- process-name buffer-name program args)))
-(defun b/dired-start-process (program &optional args)
- "Open current file with a PROGRAM."
- ;; Shell command looks like this: "program [ARGS]... FILE" (ARGS can
- ;; be nil, so remove it).
- (apply #'b/start-process
- program
- (remove nil (list args (dired-get-file-for-visit)))))
-(defun b/add-elisp-section ()
- (interactive)
- (insert "\n")
- (previous-line)
- (insert "\n \n;;; "))
-;; (defvar b/fill-column 47
-;; "My custom `fill-column'.")
-(defconst b/asterism "* * *")
-(defun b/insert-asterism ()
- "Insert a centred asterism."
- (interactive)
- (insert
- (concat
- "\n\n"
- (make-string (floor (/ (- fill-column (length b/asterism)) 2))
- ?\s)
- b/asterism
- "\n\n")))
-(defun b/no-mouse-autoselect-window ()
- "Conveniently disable `focus-follows-mouse'.
-For disabling the behaviour for certain buffers and/or modes."
- (make-local-variable 'mouse-autoselect-window)
- (setq mouse-autoselect-window nil))
-(defun b/kill-current-buffer ()
- "Kill the current buffer."
- ;; also see
- (interactive)
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
-;;; Defaults
-;;;; C-level customizations
- ;; minibuffer
- enable-recursive-minibuffers t
- resize-mini-windows t
- ;; more useful frame titles
- frame-title-format '("" invocation-name " - "
- (:eval
- (if (buffer-file-name)
- (abbreviate-file-name (buffer-file-name))
- "%b")))
- ;; i don't feel like jumping out of my chair every now and again; so
- ;; don't BEEP! at me, emacs
- ring-bell-function 'ignore
- ;; better scrolling
- ;; scroll-margin 1
- ;; scroll-conservatively 10000
- scroll-step 1
- scroll-conservatively 10
- scroll-preserve-screen-position 1
- ;; focus follows mouse
- mouse-autoselect-window t)
- ;; always use space for indentation
- indent-tabs-mode nil
- tab-width 4
- ;; cursor shape
- cursor-type 'bar)
-;; unicode support
- (dolist (ft (fontset-list))
- (set-fontset-font
- ft
- 'unicode
- (font-spec :name "Source Code Pro" :size 14))
- (set-fontset-font
- ft
- 'unicode
- (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono")
- nil
- 'append)
- ;; (set-fontset-font
- ;; ft
- ;; 'unicode
- ;; (font-spec
- ;; :name "Symbola monospacified for DejaVu Sans Mono")
- ;; nil
- ;; 'append)
- ;; (set-fontset-font
- ;; ft
- ;; #x2115 ; ℕ
- ;; (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono")
- ;; nil
- ;; 'append)
- (set-fontset-font
- ft
- (cons ?Α ?ω)
- (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans Mono" :size 14)
- nil
- 'prepend)))
-;;;; Elisp-level customizations
-(use-package startup
- :no-require
- :demand
- :config
- ;; don't need to see the startup echo area message
- (advice-add #'display-startup-echo-area-message :override #'ignore)
- :custom
- ;; i want *scratch* as my startup buffer
- (initial-buffer-choice t)
- ;; i don't need the default hint
- (initial-scratch-message nil)
- ;; use customizable text-mode as major mode for *scratch*
- ;; (initial-major-mode 'text-mode)
- ;; inhibit buffer list when more than 2 files are loaded
- (inhibit-startup-buffer-menu t)
- ;; don't need to see the startup screen or echo area message
- (inhibit-startup-screen t)
- (inhibit-startup-echo-area-message user-login-name))
-(use-package files
- :no-require
- :demand
- :custom
- ;; backups (C-h v make-backup-files RET)
- (backup-by-copying t)
- (version-control t)
- (delete-old-versions t)
- ;; auto-save
- (auto-save-file-name-transforms
- `((".*" ,(b/var "auto-save/") t)))
- ;; insert newline at the end of files
- (require-final-newline t)
- ;; open read-only file buffers in view-mode
- ;; (enables niceties like `q' for quit)
- (view-read-only t))
-;; disable disabled commands
-(setq disabled-command-function nil)
-;; lazy-person-friendly yes/no prompts
-(defalias 'yes-or-no-p #'y-or-n-p)
-;; enable automatic reloading of changed buffers and files
-(use-package autorevert
- :demand
- :config
- (global-auto-revert-mode 1)
- :custom
- (auto-revert-verbose nil)
- (global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers nil))
-;; time and battery in mode-line
-(use-package time
- :demand
- :config
- (display-time-mode)
- :custom
- (display-time-default-load-average nil)
- (display-time-format "%a %b %-e %-l:%M%P")
- (display-time-mail-icon '(image :type xpm :file "gnus/gnus-pointer.xpm" :ascent center))
- (display-time-use-mail-icon t))
-(use-package battery
- :demand
- :config
- (display-battery-mode)
- :custom
- (battery-mode-line-format " %p%% %t"))
-(use-package fringe
- :demand
- :config
- ;; smaller fringe
- ;; (fringe-mode '(3 . 1))
- (fringe-mode nil))
-(use-package winner
- :demand
- :config
- ;; enable winner-mode (C-h f winner-mode RET)
- (winner-mode 1))
-(use-package compile
- :config
- ;; don't display *compilation* buffer on success. based on
- ;;, with changes to use `cl-letf'
- ;; instead of the now obsolete `flet'.
- (defun b/compilation-finish-function (buffer outstr)
- (unless (string-match "finished" outstr)
- (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer))
- t)
- (setq compilation-finish-functions #'b/compilation-finish-function)
- (require 'cl-macs)
- (defadvice compilation-start
- (around inhibit-display
- (command &optional mode name-function highlight-regexp))
- (if (not (string-match "^\\(find\\|grep\\)" command))
- (cl-letf (((symbol-function 'display-buffer) #'ignore))
- (save-window-excursion ad-do-it))
- ad-do-it))
- (ad-activate 'compilation-start))
-(use-package isearch
- :custom
- ;; allow scrolling in Isearch
- (isearch-allow-scroll t)
- ;; search for non-ASCII characters: i’d like non-ASCII characters such
- ;; as ‘’“”«»‹›áⓐ𝒶 to be selected when i search for their ASCII
- ;; counterpart. shoutout to
- ;;
- (search-default-mode #'char-fold-to-regexp))
-;; uncomment to extend the above behaviour to query-replace
- (use-package replace
- :custom
- (replace-char-fold t)))
-(use-package vc
- :bind ("C-x v C-=" . vc-ediff))
-(use-package vc-git
- :after vc
- :custom
- (vc-git-print-log-follow t))
-(use-package ediff
- :config (add-hook 'ediff-after-quit-hook-internal 'winner-undo)
- :custom ((ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
- (ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)))
-(use-package face-remap
- :custom
- ;; gentler font resizing
- (text-scale-mode-step 1.05))
-(use-package mwheel
- :defer 0.4
- :config
- (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1)) ; one line at a time
- mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil ; don't accelerate scrolling
- mouse-wheel-follow-mouse t)) ; scroll window under mouse
-(use-package pixel-scroll
- :defer 0.4
- :config (pixel-scroll-mode 1))
-(use-package epg-config
- :config
- ;; ask for GPG passphrase in minibuffer
- ;; this will fail if gpg>=2.1 is not available
- (if (version< "27" emacs-version)
- (setq epg-pinentry-mode 'loopback)
- (setq epa-pinentry-mode 'loopback))
- :custom
- (epg-gpg-program (executable-find "gpg")))
-(use-package epg
- :after epg-config)
-(use-package pinentry
- :demand
- :after (epa epg server)
- :config
- ;; workaround for systemd-based distros:
- ;; (setq pinentry--socket-dir server-socket-dir)
- (pinentry-start))
-(use-package auth-source
- :custom
- (auth-sources '("~/.authinfo.gpg"))
- (authinfo-hidden (regexp-opt '("password" "client-secret" "token"))))
-;;; General bindings
- ("C-c a i" . ielm)
- ("C-c e b" . eval-buffer)
- ("C-c e e" . eval-last-sexp)
- ("C-c e r" . eval-region)
- ("C-c e i" . emacs-init-time)
- ("C-c e u" . emacs-uptime)
- ("C-c e v" . emacs-version)
- ("C-c F m" . make-frame-command)
- ("C-c F d" . delete-frame)
- ("C-c F D" . server-edit)
- ("C-S-h C" . describe-char)
- ("C-S-h F" . describe-face)
- ("C-x k" . b/kill-current-buffer)
- ("C-x K" . kill-buffer)
- ("C-x s" . save-buffer)
- ("C-x S" . save-some-buffers)
- :map emacs-lisp-mode-map
- ("<C-return>" . b/add-elisp-section))
-(when (display-graphic-p)
- (unbind-key "C-z" global-map))
- ;; for back and forward mouse keys
- ("<XF86Back>" . previous-buffer)
- ("<mouse-8>" . previous-buffer)
- ;; ("<drag-mouse-8>" . previous-buffer)
- ("<XF86Forward>" . next-buffer)
- ("<mouse-9>" . next-buffer)
- ;; ("<drag-mouse-9>" . next-buffer)
- ;; ("<drag-mouse-2>" . kill-this-buffer)
- ;; ("<drag-mouse-3>" . switch-to-buffer)
- )
-;;; Essential packages
-(use-package exwm
- :if b/exwm-p
- :demand
- :config
- ;; make class name the buffer name, truncating beyond 60 characters
- (defun b/exwm-rename-buffer ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-workspace-rename-buffer
- (concat exwm-class-name ":"
- (if (<= (length exwm-title) 60) exwm-title
- (concat (substring exwm-title 0 59) "...")))))
- ;; Enable EXWM
- (exwm-enable)
- :hook ((exwm-update-class . b/exwm-rename-buffer)
- (exwm-update-title . b/exwm-rename-buffer)))
-(use-package exwm-config
- :demand
- :after exwm
- :hook (exwm-init . exwm-config--fix/ido-buffer-window-other-frame))
-(use-package exwm-input
- :demand
- :after exwm
- :config
- (defun b/exwm-ws-prev-index ()
- "Return the index for the previous EXWM workspace, wrapping
-around if needed."
- (if (= exwm-workspace-current-index 0)
- (1- exwm-workspace-number)
- (1- exwm-workspace-current-index)))
- (defun b/exwm-ws-next-index ()
- "Return the index for the next EXWM workspace, wrapping
-around if needed."
- (if (= exwm-workspace-current-index
- (1- exwm-workspace-number))
- 0
- (1+ exwm-workspace-current-index)))
- ;; shorten 'C-c C-q' to 'C-q'
- (define-key exwm-mode-map [?\C-q] #'exwm-input-send-next-key)
- (setq exwm-workspace-number 4
- exwm-input-global-keys
- `(([?\s-R] . exwm-reset)
- ([?\s-\\] . exwm-workspace-switch)
- ([?\s-\s] . dmenu)
- ([?\S-\s-\s] . (lambda (command)
- (interactive
- (list (read-shell-command "➜ ")))
- (start-process-shell-command
- command nil command)))
- ([s-return] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process "" nil "urxvt")))
- ([?\C-\s-\s] . counsel-linux-app)
- ([?\M-\s-\s] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process-shell-command
- "rofi-pass" nil "rofi-pass")))
- ([?\s-h] . windmove-left)
- ([?\s-j] . windmove-down)
- ([?\s-k] . windmove-up)
- ([?\s-l] . windmove-right)
- ([?\s-H] . windmove-swap-states-left)
- ([?\s-J] . windmove-swap-states-down)
- ([?\s-K] . windmove-swap-states-up)
- ([?\s-L] . windmove-swap-states-right)
- ([?\M-\s-h] . shrink-window-horizontally)
- ([?\M-\s-l] . enlarge-window-horizontally)
- ([?\M-\s-k] . shrink-window)
- ([?\M-\s-j] . enlarge-window)
- ([?\s-\[] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-workspace-switch-create
- (b/exwm-ws-prev-index))))
- ([?\s-\]] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-workspace-switch-create
- (b/exwm-ws-next-index))))
- ([?\s-{] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-workspace-move-window
- (b/exwm-ws-prev-index))))
- ([?\s-}] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-workspace-move-window
- (b/exwm-ws-next-index))))
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (i)
- `(,(kbd (format "s-%d" i)) .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-workspace-switch-create ,i))))
- (number-sequence 0 (1- exwm-workspace-number)))
- ([?\s-t] . exwm-floating-toggle-floating)
- ([?\s-f] . exwm-layout-toggle-fullscreen)
- ([?\s-W] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
- ([?\s-Q] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (exwm-manage--kill-client)))
- ([?\s-\'] . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process-shell-command
- "rofi-light" nil "rofi-light")))
- ([XF86AudioMute] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process "" nil "amixer" "set" "'Master',0" "toggle")))
- ([XF86AudioLowerVolume] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process
- "" nil "amixer" "set" "'Master',0" "5%-")))
- ([XF86AudioRaiseVolume] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process
- "" nil "amixer" "set" "'Master',0" "5%+")))
- ([XF86AudioPlay] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process "" nil "mpc" "toggle")))
- ([XF86AudioPrev] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process "" nil "mpc" "prev")))
- ([XF86AudioNext] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process "" nil "mpc" "next")))
- ([XF86ScreenSaver] .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (start-process "" nil "dm-tool" "lock")))
- ([\s-XF86Back] . previous-buffer)
- ([\s-XF86Forward] . next-buffer)))
- ;; Line-editing shortcuts
- (setq exwm-input-simulation-keys
- '(;; movement
- ([?\C-b] . [left])
- ([?\M-b] . [C-left])
- ([?\C-f] . [right])
- ([?\M-f] . [C-right])
- ([?\C-p] . [up])
- ([?\C-n] . [down])
- ([?\C-a] . [home])
- ([?\C-e] . [end])
- ([?\M-v] . [prior])
- ([?\C-v] . [next])
- ([?\C-d] . [delete])
- ([?\C-k] . [S-end ?\C-x])
- ([?\M-<] . C-home)
- ([?\M->] . C-end)
- ;; cut/copy/paste
- ([?\C-w] . [?\C-x])
- ([?\M-w] . [?\C-c])
- ([?\C-y] . [?\C-v])
- ([?\M-d] . [C-S-right ?\C-x])
- ([?\M-\d] . [C-S-left ?\C-x])
- ;; window
- ([?\s-w] . [?\C-w])
- ([?\s-q] . [?\C-q])
- ;; misc
- ([?\C-s] . [?\C-f])
- ([?\s-s] . [?\C-s])
- ([?\C-g] . [escape]))))
-(use-package exwm-manage
- :demand
- :after exwm
- :hook
- (exwm-manage-finish . (lambda ()
- (when exwm-class-name
- (cond
- ((string= exwm-class-name "IceCat")
- (exwm-input-set-local-simulation-keys
- `(,@exwm-input-simulation-keys
- ([?\C-\S-d] . [?\C-d]))))
- ((string= exwm-class-name "URxvt")
- (exwm-input-set-local-simulation-keys
- '(([?\C-c ?\C-c] . [?\C-c])
- ([?\C-c ?\C-u] . [?\C-u]))))
- ((string= exwm-class-name "Zathura")
- (exwm-input-set-local-simulation-keys
- '(([?\C-p] . [C-up])
- ([?\C-n] . [C-down])))))))))
-(use-package exwm-randr
- :demand
- :after exwm
- :config
- (exwm-randr-enable)
- :custom
- (exwm-randr-workspace-monitor-plist '(1 "VGA-1")))
-(use-package exwm-systemtray
- :demand
- :after exwm
- :config
- (exwm-systemtray-enable))
-(use-package exwm-workspace)
-(use-package exwm-edit
- :demand
- :after exwm)
-;; use the org-plus-contrib package to get the whole deal
-(use-package org-plus-contrib)
-(use-package org
- :defer 0.5
- :config
- (setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t
- org-src-preserve-indentation nil
- org-edit-src-content-indentation 0
- org-link-email-description-format "Email %c: %s" ; %.30s
- org-highlight-latex-and-related '(entities)
- org-use-speed-commands t
- org-startup-folded 'content
- org-catch-invisible-edits 'show-and-error
- org-log-done 'time)
- (when (version< org-version "9.3")
- (setq org-email-link-description-format
- org-link-email-description-format))
- (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("L" . "src emacs-lisp") t)
- (add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
- :bind
- (("C-c a o a" . org-agenda)
- :map org-mode-map
- ("M-L" . org-insert-last-stored-link)
- ("M-O" . org-toggle-link-display))
- :hook ((org-mode . org-indent-mode)
- (org-mode . auto-fill-mode)
- (org-mode . flyspell-mode))
- :custom
- (org-pretty-entities t)
- (org-agenda-files '("~/usr/org/todos/"
- "~/usr/org/todos/"
- "~/src/git/masters-thesis/"))
- (org-agenda-start-on-weekday 0)
- (org-agenda-time-leading-zero t)
- (org-habit-graph-column 44)
- (org-latex-packages-alist '(("" "listings") ("" "color")))
- :custom-face
- '(org-block-begin-line ((t (:foreground "#5a5b5a" :background "#1d1f21"))))
- '(org-block ((t (:background "#1d1f21"))))
- '(org-latex-and-related ((t (:foreground "#b294bb")))))
-(use-package ox-latex
- :after ox
- :config
- (setq org-latex-listings 'listings
- ;; org-latex-prefer-user-labels t
- )
- (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes
- '("IEEEtran" "\\documentclass[11pt]{IEEEtran}"
- ("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
- ("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
- ("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
- ("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
- ("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"))
- t)
- (require 'ox-beamer))
-(use-package ox-extra
- :config
- (ox-extras-activate '(latex-header-blocks ignore-headlines)))
-;; asynchronous tangle, using emacs-async to asynchronously tangle an
-;; org file. closely inspired by
-(with-eval-after-load 'org
- (defvar b/show-async-tangle-results nil
- "Keep *emacs* async buffers around for later inspection.")
- (defvar b/show-async-tangle-time nil
- "Show the time spent tangling the file.")
- (defun b/async-babel-tangle ()
- "Tangle org file asynchronously."
- (interactive)
- (let* ((file-tangle-start-time (current-time))
- (file (buffer-file-name))
- (file-nodir (file-name-nondirectory file))
- ;; (async-quiet-switch "-q")
- (file-noext (file-name-sans-extension file)))
- (async-start
- `(lambda ()
- (require 'org)
- (org-babel-tangle-file ,file))
- (unless b/show-async-tangle-results
- `(lambda (result)
- (if result
- (message "Tangled %s%s"
- ,file-nodir
- (if b/show-async-tangle-time
- (format " (%.3fs)"
- (float-time (time-subtract (current-time)
- ',file-tangle-start-time)))
- ""))
- (message "Tangling %s failed" ,file-nodir))))))))
- 'safe-local-variable-values
- '(eval add-hook 'after-save-hook #'b/async-babel-tangle 'append 'local))
-;; *the* right way to do git
-(use-package magit
- :defer 0.5
- :bind (("C-x g" . magit-status)
- ("C-c g g" . magit-status)
- ("C-c g b" . magit-blame-addition)
- ("C-c g l" . magit-log-buffer-file))
- :config
- (magit-add-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
- 'magit-insert-modules
- 'magit-insert-stashes
- 'append)
- ;; (magit-add-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
- ;; 'magit-insert-ignored-files
- ;; 'magit-insert-untracked-files
- ;; 'append)
- (setq magit-repository-directories '(("~/" . 0)
- ("~/src/git/" . 2)))
- (nconc magit-section-initial-visibility-alist
- '(([unpulled status] . show)
- ([unpushed status] . show)))
- :custom
- (magit-diff-refine-hunk t)
- (magit-display-buffer-function #'magit-display-buffer-fullframe-status-v1)
- ;; (magit-completing-read-function 'magit-ido-completing-read)
- :custom-face (magit-diff-file-heading ((t (:weight normal)))))
-;; recently opened files
-(use-package recentf
- :defer 0.2
- ;; :config
- ;; (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude "^/\\(?:ssh\\|su\\|sudo\\)?:")
- :config
- (recentf-mode)
- :custom
- (recentf-max-saved-items 2000))
-;; smart M-x enhancement (needed by counsel for history)
-;; (use-package smex)
- ("C-c f ." . find-file)
- ("C-c f d" . find-name-dired)
- ("C-c f l" . find-library)
- ;; ("C-c f r" . recentf-open-files)
- ("C-c x" . execute-extended-command))
- (use-package ido
- :demand
- :bind
- (:map ido-common-completion-map
- ([escape] . minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
- ("DEL" . b/ido-backspace))
- :config
- (require 'delsel)
- (defun b/ido-backspace ()
- "Forward to `backward-delete-char'. On error (read-only), quit."
- (interactive)
- (condition-case nil
- (backward-delete-char 1)
- (error
- (minibuffer-keyboard-quit))))
- (ido-mode 1)
- (ido-everywhere 1)
- :custom
- (ido-enable-flex-matching t)
- ;; (ido-enable-regexp t)
- ;; (ido-enable-prefix t)
- (ido-max-window-height 10)
- (ido-use-virtual-buffers t))
- (use-package ido-vertical-mode
- :defer 0.3
- :config
- (ido-vertical-mode 1)
- :custom
- (ido-vertical-define-keys 'C-n-C-p-up-and-down)
- (ido-vertical-show-count t))
- (use-package ido-completing-read+
- :defer 0.3
- :after ido
- :config
- (ido-ubiquitous-mode 1))
- (use-package crm-custom
- :defer 0.3
- :config
- (crm-custom-mode 1))
- (use-package icomplete
- :defer 0.3
- :config
- (icomplete-mode 1)))
-(use-package amx
- :defer 0.3
- :config
- (amx-mode))
-(use-package ivy
- :defer 0.3
- :bind
- (:map ivy-minibuffer-map
- ([escape] . keyboard-escape-quit)
- ([S-up] . ivy-previous-history-element)
- ([S-down] . ivy-next-history-element)
- ("DEL" . ivy-backward-delete-char))
- :config
- (setq ivy-wrap t
- ;; ivy-height 14
- ivy-use-virtual-buffers t
- ivy-virtual-abbreviate 'abbreviate
- ivy-count-format "%d/%d ")
- (defvar b/ivy-ignore-buffer-modes '(magit-mode erc-mode dired-mode))
- (defun b/ivy-ignore-buffer-p (str)
- "Return non-nil if str names a buffer with a major mode
-derived from one of `b/ivy-ignore-buffer-modes'.
-This function is intended for use with `ivy-ignore-buffers'."
- (let* ((buf (get-buffer str))
- (mode (and buf (buffer-local-value 'major-mode buf))))
- (and mode
- (apply #'provided-mode-derived-p mode b/ivy-ignore-buffer-modes))))
- (add-to-list 'ivy-ignore-buffers 'b/ivy-ignore-buffer-p)
- (ivy-mode 1)
- :custom-face
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-1 ((t (:background "#eeeeee"))))
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-2 ((t (:background "#e7e7e7" :weight bold))))
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-3 ((t (:background "light goldenrod" :weight semi-bold))))
- (ivy-minibuffer-match-face-4 ((t (:background "misty rose" :weight semi-bold))))
- (ivy-current-match ((((class color) (background light))
- :background "#d7d7d7" :foreground "black")
- (((class color) (background dark))
- :background "#65a7e2" :foreground "black"))))
-(use-package swiper
- :demand
- :after ivy
- :bind (("C-S-s" . swiper-isearch)))
-(use-package counsel
- :demand
- :after ivy
- :bind (("C-c f r" . counsel-recentf)
- :map minibuffer-local-map
- ("C-r" . counsel-minibuffer-history))
- :config
- (counsel-mode 1)
- (defalias 'locate #'counsel-locate))
-(use-package eshell
- :defer 0.5
- :commands eshell
- :bind ("C-c a s e" . eshell)
- :config
- (eval-when-compile (defvar eshell-prompt-regexp))
- (defun b/eshell-quit-or-delete-char (arg)
- (interactive "p")
- (if (and (eolp) (looking-back eshell-prompt-regexp nil))
- (eshell-life-is-too-much)
- (delete-char arg)))
- (defun b/eshell-clear ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
- (erase-buffer))
- (eshell-send-input))
- (defun b/eshell-setup ()
- (make-local-variable 'company-idle-delay)
- (defvar company-idle-delay)
- (setq company-idle-delay nil)
- (bind-keys :map eshell-mode-map
- ("C-d" . b/eshell-quit-or-delete-char)
- ("C-S-l" . b/eshell-clear)
- ("M-r" . counsel-esh-history)
- ;; ([tab] . company-complete)
- )
- (if (version< "27" emacs-version)
- (bind-keys :map eshell-hist-mode-map
- ("M-r" . counsel-esh-history))
- (bind-keys :map eshell-mode-map
- ("M-r" . counsel-esh-history))))
- (setq
- eshell-prompt-regexp "\\(.*\n\\)*[$#] "
- eshell-prompt-function
- (lambda ()
- (concat
- (propertize (format "%s@%s:" (user-login-name) (system-name))
- 'face 'default)
- (propertize (abbreviate-file-name default-directory)
- 'face 'font-lock-comment-face)
- (propertize "\n" 'face 'default)
- (if (= (user-uid) 0)
- (propertize "#" 'face 'red)
- (propertize "$" 'face 'default))
- (propertize " " 'face 'default))))
- :hook (eshell-mode . b/eshell-setup)
- :custom
- (eshell-hist-ignoredups t)
- (eshell-input-filter 'eshell-input-filter-initial-space))
-(use-package ibuffer
- :bind
- (("C-x C-b" . ibuffer)
- :map ibuffer-mode-map
- ("P" . ibuffer-backward-filter-group)
- ("N" . ibuffer-forward-filter-group)
- ("M-p" . ibuffer-do-print)
- ("M-n" . ibuffer-do-shell-command-pipe-replace))
- :config
- ;; Use human readable Size column instead of original one
- (define-ibuffer-column size-h
- (:name "Size" :inline t)
- (cond
- ((> (buffer-size) 1000000) (format "%7.1fM" (/ (buffer-size) 1000000.0)))
- ((> (buffer-size) 100000) (format "%7.0fk" (/ (buffer-size) 1000.0)))
- ((> (buffer-size) 1000) (format "%7.1fk" (/ (buffer-size) 1000.0)))
- (t (format "%8d" (buffer-size)))))
- :custom
- (ibuffer-saved-filter-groups
- '(("default"
- ("dired" (mode . dired-mode))
- ("org" (mode . org-mode))
- ("gnus"
- (or
- (mode . gnus-group-mode)
- (mode . gnus-summary-mode)
- (mode . gnus-article-mode)
- ;; not really, but...
- (mode . message-mode)))
- ("web"
- (or
- ;; (mode . web-mode)
- (mode . mhtml-mode)
- (mode . css-mode)
- (mode . scss-mode)
- (mode . js2-mode)))
- ("shell"
- (or
- (mode . eshell-mode)
- (mode . shell-mode)
- (mode . term-mode)))
- ("programming"
- (or
- (mode . python-mode)
- (mode . c-mode)
- (mode . c++-mode)
- (mode . java-mode)
- (mode . emacs-lisp-mode)
- (mode . scheme-mode)
- (mode . haskell-mode)
- (mode . lean-mode)
- ;; (mode . go-mode)
- (mode . alloy-mode)))
- ("tex"
- (or
- (mode . bibtex-mode)
- (mode . latex-mode)))
- ("emacs"
- (or
- (name . "^\\*scratch\\*$")
- (name . "^\\*Messages\\*$")))
- ("exwm" (mode . exwm-mode))
- ("erc" (mode . erc-mode)))))
- (ibuffer-formats
- '((mark modified read-only locked " "
- (name 72 72 :left :elide)
- " "
- (size-h 9 -1 :right)
- " "
- (mode 16 16 :left :elide)
- " " filename-and-process)
- (mark " "
- (name 16 -1)
- " " filename)))
- :hook (ibuffer . (lambda () (ibuffer-switch-to-saved-filter-groups "default"))))
-(use-package outline
- :disabled
- :hook (prog-mode . outline-minor-mode)
- :bind
- (:map
- outline-minor-mode-map
- ("<s-tab>" . outline-toggle-children)
- ("M-p" . outline-previous-visible-heading)
- ("M-n" . outline-next-visible-heading)
- :prefix-map b/outline-prefix-map
- :prefix "s-O"
- ("TAB" . outline-toggle-children)
- ("a" . outline-hide-body)
- ("H" . outline-hide-body)
- ("S" . outline-show-all)
- ("h" . outline-hide-subtree)
- ("s" . outline-show-subtree)))
-(use-package ls-lisp
- :custom (ls-lisp-dirs-first t))
-(use-package dired
- :config
- (setq dired-dwim-target t
- dired-listing-switches "-alh"
- ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program nil)
- ;; easily diff 2 marked files
- ;;
- (defun dired-ediff-files ()
- (interactive)
- (require 'dired-aux)
- (defvar ediff-after-quit-hook-internal)
- (let ((files (dired-get-marked-files))
- (wnd (current-window-configuration)))
- (if (<= (length files) 2)
- (let ((file1 (car files))
- (file2 (if (cdr files)
- (cadr files)
- (read-file-name
- "file: "
- (dired-dwim-target-directory)))))
- (if (file-newer-than-file-p file1 file2)
- (ediff-files file2 file1)
- (ediff-files file1 file2))
- (add-hook 'ediff-after-quit-hook-internal
- (lambda ()
- (setq ediff-after-quit-hook-internal nil)
- (set-window-configuration wnd))))
- (error "no more than 2 files should be marked"))))
- (require 'dired-x)
- (setq dired-guess-shell-alist-user
- '(("\\.pdf\\'" "evince" "zathura" "okular")
- ("\\.doc\\'" "libreoffice")
- ("\\.docx\\'" "libreoffice")
- ("\\.ppt\\'" "libreoffice")
- ("\\.pptx\\'" "libreoffice")
- ("\\.xls\\'" "libreoffice")
- ("\\.xlsx\\'" "libreoffice")
- ("\\.flac\\'" "mpv")))
- :bind (:map dired-mode-map
- ("b" . dired-up-directory)
- ("E" . dired-ediff-files)
- ("e" . dired-toggle-read-only)
- ("\\" . dired-hide-details-mode)
- ("z" . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (b/dired-start-process "zathura"))))
- :hook (dired-mode . dired-hide-details-mode))
-(use-package help
- :config
- (temp-buffer-resize-mode)
- (setq help-window-select t))
-(use-package tramp
- :config
- (add-to-list 'tramp-default-proxies-alist '(nil "\\`root\\'" "/ssh:%h:"))
- (add-to-list 'tramp-default-proxies-alist '("localhost" nil nil))
- (add-to-list 'tramp-default-proxies-alist
- (list (regexp-quote (system-name)) nil nil)))
-(use-package doc-view
- :bind (:map doc-view-mode-map
- ("M-RET" . image-previous-line)))
-;;; Editing
-;; highlight uncommitted changes in the left fringe
-(use-package diff-hl
- :defer 0.6
- :config
- (setq diff-hl-draw-borders nil)
- (global-diff-hl-mode)
- :hook (magit-post-refresh . diff-hl-magit-post-refresh))
-;; display Lisp objects at point in the echo area
-(use-package eldoc
- :when (version< "25" emacs-version)
- :config (global-eldoc-mode))
-;; highlight matching parens
-(use-package paren
- :demand
- :config (show-paren-mode))
-(use-package elec-pair
- :demand
- :config (electric-pair-mode))
-(use-package simple
- :config (column-number-mode)
- :custom
- ;; Save what I copy into clipboard from other applications into Emacs'
- ;; kill-ring, which would allow me to still be able to easily access
- ;; it in case I kill (cut or copy) something else inside Emacs before
- ;; yanking (pasting) what I'd originally intended to.
- (save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t))
-;; save minibuffer history
-(use-package savehist
- :demand
- :config
- (savehist-mode)
- (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'kill-ring))
-;; automatically save place in files
-(use-package saveplace
- :when (version< "25" emacs-version)
- :config (save-place-mode))
-(use-package prog-mode
- :config (global-prettify-symbols-mode)
- (defun indicate-buffer-boundaries-left ()
- (setq indicate-buffer-boundaries 'left))
- (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'indicate-buffer-boundaries-left))
-(use-package text-mode
- :bind (:map text-mode-map ("C-*" . b/insert-asterism))
- :hook ((text-mode . indicate-buffer-boundaries-left)
- (text-mode . flyspell-mode)))
-(use-package conf-mode
- :mode "\\.*rc$")
-(use-package sh-mode
- :mode "\\.bashrc$")
-(use-package company
- :disabled
- :bind
- (:map company-active-map
- ([tab] . company-complete-common-or-cycle)
- ([escape] . company-abort)
- ("C-p" . company-select-previous-or-abort)
- ("C-n" . company-select-next-or-abort))
- :custom
- (company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
- (company-selection-wrap-around t)
- (company-dabbrev-char-regexp "\\sw\\|\\s_\\|[-_]")
- (company-dabbrev-downcase nil)
- (company-dabbrev-ignore-case nil)
- ;; :config
- ;; (global-company-mode t)
- )
-(use-package flycheck
- :defer 0.6
- :hook (prog-mode . flycheck-mode)
- :bind
- (:map flycheck-mode-map
- ("M-P" . flycheck-previous-error)
- ("M-N" . flycheck-next-error))
- :config
- ;; Use the load-path from running Emacs when checking elisp files
- (setq flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)
- ;; Only flycheck when I actually save the buffer
- (setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(mode-enabled save))
- :custom (flycheck-mode-line-prefix "flyc"))
-(use-package flyspell)
-(use-package ispell
- :defer 0.6
- :config
- ;; ’ can be part of a word
- (setq ispell-local-dictionary-alist
- `((nil "[[:alpha:]]" "[^[:alpha:]]"
- "['\x2019]" nil ("-B") nil utf-8))
- ispell-program-name (executable-find "hunspell"))
- ;; don't send ’ to the subprocess
- (defun endless/replace-apostrophe (args)
- (cons (replace-regexp-in-string
- "’" "'" (car args))
- (cdr args)))
- (advice-add #'ispell-send-string :filter-args
- #'endless/replace-apostrophe)
- ;; convert ' back to ’ from the subprocess
- (defun endless/replace-quote (args)
- (if (not (derived-mode-p 'org-mode))
- args
- (cons (replace-regexp-in-string
- "'" "’" (car args))
- (cdr args))))
- (advice-add #'ispell-parse-output :filter-args
- #'endless/replace-quote))
-(use-package abbrev
- :hook (text-mode . abbrev-mode))
-;;; Programming modes
-(use-package lisp-mode
- :config
- (defun indent-spaces-mode ()
- (setq indent-tabs-mode nil))
- (add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook #'indent-spaces-mode))
-(use-package reveal
- :hook (emacs-lisp-mode . reveal-mode))
-(use-package elisp-mode)
-;; (use-package alloy-mode
-;; :straight (:host github :repo "dwwmmn/alloy-mode")
-;; :mode "\\.\\(als\\|dsh\\)\\'"
-;; :config
-;; (setq alloy-basic-offset 2)
-;; ;; (defun b/alloy-simple-indent (start end)
-;; ;; (interactive "r")
-;; ;; ;; (if (region-active-p)
-;; ;; ;; (indent-rigidly start end alloy-basic-offset)
-;; ;; ;; (if (bolp)
-;; ;; ;; (indent-rigidly (line-beginning-position)
-;; ;; ;; (line-end-position)
-;; ;; ;; alloy-basic-offset)))
-;; ;; (indent-to (+ (current-column) alloy-basic-offset)))
-;; :bind (:map alloy-mode-map
-;; ("RET" . electric-newline-and-maybe-indent)
-;; ;; ("TAB" . b/alloy-simple-indent)
-;; ("TAB" . indent-for-tab-command))
-;; :hook (alloy-mode . (lambda () (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil))))
-(eval-when-compile (defvar lean-mode-map))
-(use-package lean-mode
- :defer 0.4
- :bind (:map lean-mode-map
- ("S-SPC" . company-complete))
- :config
- (require 'lean-input)
- (setq default-input-method "Lean"
- lean-input-tweak-all '(lean-input-compose
- (lean-input-prepend "/")
- (lean-input-nonempty))
- lean-input-user-translations '(("/" "/")))
- (lean-input-setup))
-(use-package mhtml-mode)
-(use-package sgml-mode
- :config
- (setq sgml-basic-offset 0))
-(use-package css-mode
- :config
- (setq css-indent-offset 2))
-(use-package emmet-mode
- :after (:any mhtml-mode css-mode sgml-mode)
- :bind* (("C-)" . emmet-next-edit-point)
- ("C-(" . emmet-prev-edit-point))
- :config
- (unbind-key "C-j" emmet-mode-keymap)
- (setq emmet-move-cursor-between-quotes t)
- :hook (css-mode html-mode sgml-mode))
-(use-package geiser)
-(use-package geiser-guile
- :config
- (setq geiser-guile-load-path "~/src/git/guix"))
-(use-package guix)
- (use-package auctex
- :custom
- (font-latex-fontify-sectioning 'color)))
-(use-package go-mode
- :disabled)
-(use-package po-mode
- :hook
- (po-mode . (lambda () (run-with-timer 0.1 nil 'View-exit))))
-(use-package tex-mode
- :config
- (cl-delete-if
- (lambda (p) (string-match "^---?" (car p)))
- tex--prettify-symbols-alist)
- :hook ((tex-mode . auto-fill-mode)
- (tex-mode . flyspell-mode)))
-;; (use-package george-mode
-;; :straight (:host nil :repo "")
-;; :mode "\\.grg\\'")
-;;; Theme
-(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path
- (expand-file-name
- (convert-standard-filename "lisp") user-emacs-directory))
-(load-theme 'tangomod t)
-(use-package smart-mode-line
- :commands (sml/apply-theme)
- :demand
- :config
- ;; thanks, but no thnaks; don't make fixed-width fills.
- (defun sml/fill-for-buffer-identification () "")
- (setq sml/theme 'tangomod)
- (sml/setup)
- (smart-mode-line-enable))
-(use-package doom-modeline
- :disabled
- :demand
- :hook (after-init . doom-modeline-init)
- :custom
- (doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style 'relative-to-project))
-(use-package doom-themes)
-(use-package moody
- :disabled
- :demand
- :config
- (setq x-underline-at-descent-line t)
- (let ((line (face-attribute 'mode-line :underline)))
- (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :overline line)
- (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :overline line)
- (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :underline line)
- (set-face-attribute 'mode-line nil :box nil)
- (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :box nil)
- (set-face-attribute 'mode-line-inactive nil :background "#e1e1e1")) ; d3d7cf
- (moody-replace-mode-line-buffer-identification)
- (moody-replace-vc-mode))
-(use-package mini-modeline
- :disabled
- :demand
- :config (mini-modeline-mode))
-(defvar b/org-mode-font-lock-keywords
- '(("[ \t]*\\(#\\+\\(BEGIN\\|END\\|begin\\|end\\)_\\(\\S-+\\)\\)[ \t]*\\([^\n:]*\\)"
- (1 '(:foreground "#5a5b5a" :background "#292b2b") t) ; directive
- (3 '(:foreground "#81a2be" :background "#292b2b") t) ; kind
- (4 '(:foreground "#c5c8c6") t))) ; title
- "For use with the `doom-tomorrow-night' theme.")
-(defun b/lights-on ()
- "Enable my favourite light theme."
- (interactive)
- (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
- (load-theme 'tangomod t)
- (when (featurep 'smart-mode-line)
- (sml/apply-theme 'tangomod))
- (font-lock-remove-keywords
- 'org-mode b/org-mode-font-lock-keywords)
- (when (featurep 'erc-hl-nicks)
- (erc-hl-nicks-reset-face-table))
- (when (featurep 'exwm-systemtray)
- (exwm-systemtray--refresh)))
-(defun b/lights-off ()
- "Go dark."
- (interactive)
- (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
- (load-theme 'doom-one t)
- (when (featurep 'smart-mode-line)
- (sml/apply-theme 'automatic))
- (font-lock-add-keywords
- 'org-mode b/org-mode-font-lock-keywords t)
- (when (featurep 'erc-hl-nicks)
- (erc-hl-nicks-reset-face-table))
- (when (featurep 'exwm-systemtray)
- (exwm-systemtray--refresh)))
- ("C-c t d" . b/lights-off)
- ("C-c t l" . b/lights-on))
-;;; Emacs enhancements & auxiliary packages
-(use-package man
- :config (setq Man-width 80))
-(use-package which-key
- :defer 0.4
- :config
- (which-key-add-key-based-replacements
- ;; prefixes for global prefixes and minor modes
- "C-c @" "outline"
- "C-c !" "flycheck"
- "C-x RET" "coding system"
- "C-x 8" "unicode"
- "C-x @" "event modifiers"
- "C-x a" "abbrev/expand"
- "C-x r" "rectangle/register/bookmark"
- "C-x t" "tabs"
- "C-x v" "version control"
- "C-x X" "edebug"
- "C-x C-a" "edebug"
- "C-x C-k" "kmacro"
- ;; prefixes for my personal bindings
- "C-c &" "yasnippet"
- "C-c a" "applications"
- "C-c a e" "erc"
- "C-c a o" "org"
- "C-c a s" "shells"
- "C-c b" "buffers"
- "C-c c" "compile-and-comments"
- "C-c e" "eval"
- "C-c f" "files"
- "C-c F" "frames"
- "C-c g" "magit"
- "C-S-h" "help(ful)"
- "C-c m" "multiple-cursors"
- "C-c p" "projectile"
- "C-c p s" "projectile/search"
- "C-c p x" "projectile/execute"
- "C-c p 4" "projectile/other-window"
- "C-c q" "boxquote"
- "C-c t" "themes"
- ;; "s-O" "outline"
- )
- ;; prefixes for major modes
- (which-key-add-major-mode-key-based-replacements 'message-mode
- "C-c f n" "footnote")
- (which-key-add-major-mode-key-based-replacements 'org-mode
- "C-c C-v" "org-babel")
- (which-key-mode)
- :custom
- (which-key-add-column-padding 5)
- (which-key-max-description-length 32))
-(use-package crux ; results in Waiting for git... [2 times]
- :defer 0.4
- :bind (("C-c d" . crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region)
- ("C-c M-d" . crux-duplicate-and-comment-current-line-or-region)
- ("C-c f C" . crux-copy-file-preserve-attributes)
- ("C-c f D" . crux-delete-file-and-buffer)
- ("C-c f R" . crux-rename-file-and-buffer)
- ("C-c j" . crux-top-join-line)
- ("C-S-j" . crux-top-join-line)))
-(use-package mwim
- :bind (("C-a" . mwim-beginning-of-code-or-line)
- ("C-e" . mwim-end-of-code-or-line)
- ("<home>" . mwim-beginning-of-line-or-code)
- ("<end>" . mwim-end-of-line-or-code)))
-(use-package projectile
- :disabled
- :defer 0.5
- :bind-keymap ("C-c p" . projectile-command-map)
- :config
- (projectile-mode)
- (defun b/projectile-mode-line-fun ()
- "Report project name and type in the modeline."
- (let ((project-name (projectile-project-name))
- (project-type (projectile-project-type)))
- (format "%s%s"
- projectile-mode-line-prefix
- (if project-type
- (format ":%s" project-type)
- ""))))
- (setq projectile-mode-line-function 'b/projectile-mode-line-fun)
- (defun my-projectile-invalidate-cache (&rest _args)
- ;; ignore the args to `magit-checkout'
- (projectile-invalidate-cache nil))
- (eval-after-load 'magit-branch
- '(progn
- (advice-add 'magit-checkout
- :after #'my-projectile-invalidate-cache)
- (advice-add 'magit-branch-and-checkout
- :after #'my-projectile-invalidate-cache)))
- :custom
- (projectile-completion-system 'ivy)
- (projectile-mode-line-prefix " proj"))
-(use-package helpful
- :defer 0.6
- :bind
- (("C-S-h c" . helpful-command)
- ("C-S-h f" . helpful-callable) ; helpful-function
- ("C-S-h v" . helpful-variable)
- ("C-S-h k" . helpful-key)
- ("C-S-h p" . helpful-at-point)))
-(use-package unkillable-scratch
- :defer 0.6
- :config
- (unkillable-scratch 1)
- :custom
- (unkillable-buffers '("^\\*scratch\\*$" "^\\*Messages\\*$")))
-;; ,----
-;; | make pretty boxed quotes like this
-;; `----
-(use-package boxquote
- :defer 0.6
- :bind
- (:prefix-map b/boxquote-prefix-map
- :prefix "C-c q"
- ("b" . boxquote-buffer)
- ("B" . boxquote-insert-buffer)
- ("d" . boxquote-defun)
- ("F" . boxquote-insert-file)
- ("hf" . boxquote-describe-function)
- ("hk" . boxquote-describe-key)
- ("hv" . boxquote-describe-variable)
- ("hw" . boxquote-where-is)
- ("k" . boxquote-kill)
- ("p" . boxquote-paragraph)
- ("q" . boxquote-boxquote)
- ("r" . boxquote-region)
- ("s" . boxquote-shell-command)
- ("t" . boxquote-text)
- ("T" . boxquote-title)
- ("u" . boxquote-unbox)
- ("U" . boxquote-unbox-region)
- ("y" . boxquote-yank)
- ("M-q" . boxquote-fill-paragraph)
- ("M-w" . boxquote-kill-ring-save)))
-(use-package orgalist
- ;; breaks auto-fill-mode, showing this error:
- ;; orgalist--boundaries: Lisp nesting exceeds ‘max-lisp-eval-depth’
- :disabled
- :after message
- :hook (message-mode . orgalist-mode))
-;; highlight TODOs in buffers
-(use-package hl-todo
- :defer 0.5
- :config
- (global-hl-todo-mode))
-(use-package multi-term
- :disabled
- :defer 0.6
- :bind (("C-c a s m m" . multi-term)
- ("C-c a s m d" . multi-term-dedicated-toggle)
- ("C-c a s m p" . multi-term-prev)
- ("C-c a s m n" . multi-term-next)
- :map term-mode-map
- ("C-c C-j" . term-char-mode))
- :config
- (setq multi-term-program "screen"
- multi-term-program-switches (concat "-c"
- (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
- "/screen/screenrc")
- ;; TODO: add separate bindings for connecting to existing
- ;; session vs. always creating a new one
- multi-term-dedicated-select-after-open-p t
- multi-term-dedicated-window-height 20
- multi-term-dedicated-max-window-height 30
- term-bind-key-alist
- '(("C-c C-c" . term-interrupt-subjob)
- ("C-c C-e" . term-send-esc)
- ("C-c C-j" . term-line-mode)
- ("C-k" . kill-line)
- ;; ("C-y" . term-paste)
- ("C-y" . term-send-raw)
- ("M-f" . term-send-forward-word)
- ("M-b" . term-send-backward-word)
- ("M-p" . term-send-up)
- ("M-n" . term-send-down)
- ("M-j" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-y" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-/" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-0" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-1" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-2" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-3" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-4" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-5" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-6" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-7" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-8" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("M-9" . term-send-raw-meta)
- ("<C-backspace>" . term-send-backward-kill-word)
- ("<M-DEL>" . term-send-backward-kill-word)
- ("M-d" . term-send-delete-word)
- ("M-," . term-send-raw)
- ("M-." . comint-dynamic-complete))
- term-unbind-key-alist
- '("C-z" "C-x" "C-c" "C-h"
- ;; "C-y"
- "<ESC>")))
-(use-package page-break-lines
- :defer 0.5
- :custom
- (page-break-lines-max-width fill-column)
- :config
- (global-page-break-lines-mode))
-(use-package expand-region
- :bind ("C-=" . er/expand-region))
-(use-package multiple-cursors
- :bind
- (("C-S-<mouse-1>" . mc/add-cursor-on-click)
- (:prefix-map b/mc-prefix-map
- :prefix "C-c m"
- ("c" . mc/edit-lines)
- ("n" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
- ("p" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
- ("a" . mc/mark-all-like-this))))
-(use-package yasnippet
- :defer 0.6
- :config
- (defconst yas-verbosity-cur yas-verbosity)
- (setq yas-verbosity 2)
- (add-to-list 'yas-snippet-dirs "~/src/git/guix/etc/snippets" t)
- (yas-reload-all)
- (setq yas-verbosity yas-verbosity-cur)
- (defun b/yas--maybe-expand-key-filter (cmd)
- (when (and (yas--maybe-expand-key-filter cmd)
- (not (bound-and-true-p git-commit-mode)))
- cmd))
- (defconst b/yas-maybe-expand
- '(menu-item "" yas-expand :filter b/yas--maybe-expand-key-filter))
- (define-key yas-minor-mode-map
- (kbd "SPC") b/yas-maybe-expand)
- (yas-global-mode))
-(use-package debbugs
- :bind
- (("C-c D d" . debbugs-gnu)
- ("C-c D b" . debbugs-gnu-bugs)
- ("C-c D e" .
- (lambda ()
- (interactive) ; bug-gnu-emacs
- (setq debbugs-gnu-current-suppress t)
- (debbugs-gnu debbugs-gnu-default-severities '("emacs"))))
- ("C-c D g" . ; bug-gnuzilla
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (setq debbugs-gnu-current-suppress t)
- (debbugs-gnu debbugs-gnu-default-severities '("gnuzilla"))))
- ("C-c D G b" . ; bug-guix
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (setq debbugs-gnu-current-suppress t)
- (debbugs-gnu debbugs-gnu-default-severities '("guix"))))
- ("C-c D G p" . ; guix-patches
- (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (setq debbugs-gnu-current-suppress t)
- (debbugs-gnu debbugs-gnu-default-severities '("guix-patches"))))))
-(use-package org-ref
- :init
- (b/setq-every '("~/usr/org/references.bib")
- reftex-default-bibliography
- org-ref-default-bibliography)
- (setq
- org-ref-bibliography-notes "~/usr/org/"
- org-ref-pdf-directory "~/usr/org/bibtex-pdfs/"))
-;; (use-package fill-column-indicator)
-(use-package window
- :bind
- (("C-c w e" . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (split-window-right)
- (other-window 1)
- (erc-switch-to-buffer)))
- ("C-c w s l" . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (split-window-right)
- (other-window 1)))
- ("C-c w s j" . (lambda ()
- (interactive)
- (split-window-below)
- (other-window 1)))
- ("C-c w q" . quit-window))
- :custom
- (split-width-threshold 150))
-(use-package windmove
- :defer 0.6
- :bind
- (("C-c w h" . windmove-left)
- ("C-c w j" . windmove-down)
- ("C-c w k" . windmove-up)
- ("C-c w l" . windmove-right)
- ("C-c w H" . windmove-swap-states-left)
- ("C-c w J" . windmove-swap-states-down)
- ("C-c w K" . windmove-swap-states-up)
- ("C-c w L" . windmove-swap-states-right)))
-(use-package pass
- :commands pass
- :bind ("C-c a p" . pass)
- :hook (pass-mode . View-exit))
-(use-package pdf-tools
- :defer 0.5
- :bind (:map pdf-view-mode-map
- ("<C-XF86Back>" . pdf-history-backward)
- ("<mouse-8>" . pdf-history-backward)
- ("<drag-mouse-8>" . pdf-history-backward)
- ("<C-XF86Forward>" . pdf-history-forward)
- ("<mouse-9>" . pdf-history-forward)
- ("<drag-mouse-9>" . pdf-history-forward)
- ("M-RET" . image-previous-line)
- ("C-s" . isearch-forward)
- ("s s" . isearch-forward))
- :config (pdf-tools-install nil t)
- :custom (pdf-view-resize-factor 1.05))
-(use-package org-pdftools
- :disabled
- :straight (:host github :repo "fuxialexander/org-pdftools")
- :demand
- :after org
- :config
- (with-eval-after-load 'org
- (require 'org-pdftools)))
-(use-package biblio)
-(use-package reftex
- :hook (latex-mode . reftex-mode))
-(use-package reftex-cite
- :after reftex
- :disabled ; enable to disable
- ; reftex-cite's default choice
- ; of previous word
- :config
- (defun reftex-get-bibkey-default ()
- "If the cursor is in a citation macro, return the word before the macro."
- (let* ((macro (reftex-what-macro 1)))
- (save-excursion
- (when (and macro (string-match "cite" (car macro)))
- (goto-char (cdr macro)))
- (reftex-this-word)))))
-(use-package minions
- :demand
- :config (minions-mode))
-(use-package dmenu
- :custom
- (dmenu-prompt-string "run: ")
- (dmenu-save-file (b/var "dmenu-items")))
-(use-package eosd
- ;; TODO: fix build by properly building the eosd-pixbuf.c module
- ;; e.g. see
- :disabled
- :straight (:host github :repo "clarete/eosd")
- :demand
- :after exwm
- :config
- (eosd-start))
-(use-package scpaste
- :disabled
- :config
- (setq scpaste-http-destination ""
- scpaste-scp-destination "nix:/var/www/"))
-(use-package eww
- :bind ("C-c a e w" . eww)
- :custom
- (eww-download-directory (file-name-as-directory
- (getenv "XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR"))))
-;;; Email (with Gnus)
-(defvar b/maildir (expand-file-name "~/mail/"))
-(with-eval-after-load 'recentf
- (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude b/maildir))
- b/gnus-init-file (b/etc "gnus")
- mail-user-agent 'gnus-user-agent
- read-mail-command 'gnus)
-(use-package gnus
- :bind (("s-m" . gnus-plugged)
- ("s-M" . gnus-unplugged)
- ("C-c a m" . gnus-plugged)
- ("C-c a M" . gnus-unplugged))
- :init
- (setq
- gnus-select-method '(nnnil "")
- gnus-secondary-select-methods
- '((nnimap "shemshak"
- (nnimap-stream plain)
- (nnimap-address "")
- (nnimap-server-port 143)
- (nnimap-authenticator plain)
- (nnimap-user "amin@shemshak.local"))
- (nnimap "gnu"
- (nnimap-stream plain)
- (nnimap-address "")
- (nnimap-server-port 143)
- (nnimap-authenticator plain)
- (nnimap-user "bandali@gnu.local")
- (nnimap-inbox "INBOX")
- (nnimap-split-methods 'nnimap-split-fancy)
- (nnimap-split-fancy (|
- ;; (: gnus-registry-split-fancy-with-parent)
- ;; (: gnus-group-split-fancy "INBOX" t "INBOX")
- ;; gnu
- (list ".*<\\(.*\\)\\.\\(non\\)?gnu\\.org>.*" "l.\\1")
- ;; gnus
- (list ".*<\\(.*\\)\\.gnus\\.org>.*" "l.\\1")
- ;; libreplanet
- (list ".*<\\(.*\\)\\.libreplanet\\.org>.*" "l.\\1")
- ;; *, omitting one dot if present
- ;; add more \\.?\\([^.]*\\) if needed
- (list ".*<~\\(.*\\)/\\([^.]*\\)\\.?\\([^.]*\\)\\>.*" "l.~\\1.\\2\\3")
- ;; webmasters
- (from "webmasters\\(-comment\\)?@gnu\\.org" "webmasters")
- ;; other
- (list ".*" "l.atreus")
- (list ".*" "l.deepspec")
- ;; (list ".*" "") ;d
- (list ".*" "l.haskell-cafe")
- ;; (list ".*" "l.notmuch") ;u
- ;; (list ".*" "l.parabola-dev") ;u
- ;; ----------------------------------
- ;; legend: (u)nsubscribed | (d)ead
- ;; ----------------------------------
- ;; otherwise, leave mail in INBOX
- "INBOX")))
- (nnimap "uw"
- (nnimap-stream plain)
- (nnimap-address "")
- (nnimap-server-port 143)
- (nnimap-authenticator plain)
- (nnimap-user "abandali@uw.local")
- (nnimap-inbox "INBOX")
- (nnimap-split-methods 'nnimap-split-fancy)
- (nnimap-split-fancy (|
- ;; (: gnus-registry-split-fancy-with-parent)
- ;; se212-f19
- ("subject" "SE\\s-?212" "course.se212-f19")
- (from "SE\\s-?212" "course.se212-f19")
- ;; catch-all
- "INBOX")))
- (nnimap "csc"
- (nnimap-stream plain)
- (nnimap-address "")
- (nnimap-server-port 143)
- (nnimap-authenticator plain)
- (nnimap-user "abandali@csc.uw.local")))
- gnus-message-archive-group "nnimap+gnu:INBOX"
- gnus-parameters
- '(("l\\.atreus"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.deepspec"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[deepspec\\]"))
- ("l\\.emacs-devel"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.help-gnu-emacs"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.info-gnu-emacs"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.emacs-orgmode"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[O\\]"))
- ("l\\.emacs-tangents"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.emacsconf-committee"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.emacsconf-discuss"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.emacsconf-register"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.emacsconf-submit"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.fencepost-users"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Fencepost-users\\]"))
- ("l\\.gnewsense-art"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[gNewSense-art\\]"))
- ("l\\.gnewsense-dev"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Gnewsense-dev\\]"))
- ("l\\.gnewsense-users"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[gNewSense-users\\]"))
- ("l\\.gnunet-developers"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[GNUnet-developers\\]"))
- ("l\\.help-gnunet"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Help-gnunet\\]"))
- ("l\\.bug-gnuzilla"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Bug-gnuzilla\\]"))
- ("l\\.gnuzilla-dev"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Gnuzilla-dev\\]"))
- ("l\\.guile-devel"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.guile-user"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.guix-devel"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.help-guix"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.info-guix"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.savannah-hackers-public"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.savannah-users"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.www-commits"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.www-discuss"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.haskell-art"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[haskell-art\\]"))
- ("l\\.haskell-cafe"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Haskell-cafe\\]"))
- ("l\\.notmuch"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("l\\.parabola-dev"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . "")
- (list-identifier . "\\[Dev\\]"))
- ("l\\.~bandali\\.public-inbox"
- (to-address . "~bandali/")
- (to-list . "~bandali/"))
- ("l\\.~sircmpwn\\.free-writers-club"
- (to-address . "~sircmpwn/")
- (to-list . "~sircmpwn/"))
- ("l\\.~sircmpwn\\.srht-admins"
- (to-address . "~sircmpwn/")
- (to-list . "~sircmpwn/"))
- ("l\\.~sircmpwn\\.srht-announce"
- (to-address . "~sircmpwn/")
- (to-list . "~sircmpwn/"))
- ("l\\.~sircmpwn\\.srht-dev"
- (to-address . "~sircmpwn/")
- (to-list . "~sircmpwn/"))
- ("l\\.~sircmpwn\\.srht-discuss"
- (to-address . "~sircmpwn/")
- (to-list . "~sircmpwn/"))
- ("webmasters"
- (to-address . "")
- (to-list . ""))
- ("gnu.*"
- (gcc-self . t))
- ("l\\."
- (subscribed . t))
- ("nnimap\\+uw:.*"
- (gcc-self . t)))
- gnus-large-newsgroup 50
- gnus-home-directory (b/var "gnus/")
- gnus-directory (concat gnus-home-directory "news/")
- message-directory (concat gnus-home-directory "mail/")
- nndraft-directory (concat gnus-home-directory "drafts/")
- gnus-save-newsrc-file nil
- gnus-read-newsrc-file nil
- gnus-interactive-exit nil
- gnus-gcc-mark-as-read t)
- :config
- (when (version< emacs-version "27")
- (with-eval-after-load 'nnmail
- (add-to-list
- 'nnmail-split-abbrev-alist
- '(list . "list-id\\|list-post\\|x-mailing-list\\|x-beenthere\\|x-loop")
- t)))
- ;; (gnus-registry-initialize)
- (with-eval-after-load 'recentf
- (add-to-list 'recentf-exclude gnus-home-directory)))
-(use-package gnus-art
- :config
- (setq
- gnus-buttonized-mime-types '("multipart/\\(signed\\|encrypted\\)")
- gnus-sorted-header-list '("^From:"
- "^X-RT-Originator"
- "^Newsgroups:"
- "^Subject:"
- "^Date:"
- "^Envelope-To:"
- "^Followup-To:"
- "^Reply-To:"
- "^Organization:"
- "^Summary:"
- "^Abstract:"
- "^Keywords:"
- "^To:"
- "^[BGF]?Cc:"
- "^Posted-To:"
- "^Mail-Copies-To:"
- "^Mail-Followup-To:"
- "^Apparently-To:"
- "^Resent-From:"
- "^User-Agent:"
- "^X-detected-operating-system:"
- "^Message-ID:"
- ;; "^References:"
- "^List-Id:"
- "^Gnus-Warning:")
- gnus-visible-headers (mapconcat 'identity
- gnus-sorted-header-list
- "\\|")
- ;; local-lapsed article dates
- ;; from
- gnus-article-date-headers '(user-defined)
- gnus-article-time-format
- (lambda (time)
- (let* ((date (format-time-string "%a, %d %b %Y %T %z" time))
- (local (article-make-date-line date 'local))
- (combined-lapsed (article-make-date-line date
- 'combined-lapsed))
- (lapsed (progn
- (string-match " (.+" combined-lapsed)
- (match-string 0 combined-lapsed))))
- (concat local lapsed))))
- (bind-keys
- :map gnus-article-mode-map
- ("M-L" . org-store-link)))
-(use-package gnus-sum
- :bind (:map gnus-summary-mode-map
- :prefix-map b/gnus-summary-prefix-map
- :prefix "v"
- ("r" . gnus-summary-reply)
- ("w" . gnus-summary-wide-reply)
- ("v" . gnus-summary-show-raw-article))
- :config
- (bind-keys
- :map gnus-summary-mode-map
- ("M-L" . org-store-link))
- :hook (gnus-summary-mode . b/no-mouse-autoselect-window)
- :custom
- (gnus-thread-sort-functions '(gnus-thread-sort-by-number
- gnus-thread-sort-by-subject
- gnus-thread-sort-by-date)))
-(use-package gnus-msg
- :config
- (defvar b/shemshak-signature "Amin Bandali
- (defvar b/uw-signature "Amin Bandali, MMath Student
-Cheriton School of Computer Science
-University of Waterloo
- (defvar b/csc-signature "Amin Bandali
-System Administrator, Systems Committee
-Computer Science Club, University of Waterloo
- (setq gnus-message-replysign t
- gnus-posting-styles
- '((".*"
- (address ""))
- ("nnimap\\+gnu:l\\..*"
- (signature nil))
- ("nnimap\\+gnu:.*"
- (organization "GNU"))
- ((header "subject" "ThankCRM")
- (to "")
- (body "")
- (eval (setq b/message-cite-say-hi nil)))
- ("nnimap\\+shemshak:.*"
- (address "")
- (body "\nBest,\n")
- (signature b/shemshak-signature)
- (gcc "nnimap+shemshak:Sent")
- (eval (setq b/message-cite-say-hi t)))
- ("nnimap\\+uw:.*"
- (address "")
- (body "\nBest,\n")
- (signature b/uw-signature))
- ("nnimap\\+uw:INBOX"
- (gcc "\"nnimap+uw:Sent Items\""))
- ("nnimap\\+csc:.*"
- (address "")
- (signature b/csc-signature)
- (gcc "nnimap+csc:Sent"))))
- :hook (gnus-message-setup . (lambda ()
- (unless (mml-secure-is-encrypted-p)
- (mml-secure-message-sign)))))
-(use-package gnus-topic
- :hook (gnus-group-mode . gnus-topic-mode)
- :config (setq gnus-topic-line-format "%i[ %A: %(%{%n%}%) ]%v\n"))
-(use-package gnus-agent
- :config
- (setq gnus-agent-synchronize-flags 'ask)
- :hook (gnus-group-mode . gnus-agent-mode))
-(use-package gnus-group
- :config
- (setq gnus-permanently-visible-groups "\\(:INBOX$\\|:gnu$\\)"))
- ;; problematic with ebdb's popup, *EBDB-Gnus*
- (use-package gnus-win
- :config
- (setq gnus-use-full-window nil)))
-(use-package gnus-dired
- :commands gnus-dired-mode
- :init
- (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'gnus-dired-mode))
- (use-package gnus-utils
- :custom
- (gnus-completing-read-function 'gnus-ido-completing-read)))
-(use-package mm-decode
- :config
- (setq mm-discouraged-alternatives '("text/html" "text/richtext")
- mm-decrypt-option 'known
- mm-verify-option 'known))
-(use-package mm-uu
- :config
- (when (version< "27" emacs-version)
- (set-face-attribute 'mm-uu-extract nil :extend t))
- :custom
- (mm-uu-diff-groups-regexp
- "\\(gmane\\|gnu\\|l\\)\\..*\\(diff\\|commit\\|cvs\\|bug\\|dev\\)"))
-(use-package sendmail
- :config
- (setq sendmail-program (executable-find "msmtp")
- ;; message-sendmail-extra-arguments '("-v" "-d")
- mail-specify-envelope-from t
- mail-envelope-from 'header))
-(use-package message
- :bind (:map message-mode-map ("<C-return>" . b/insert-asterism))
- :config
- ;; redefine for a simplified In-Reply-To header
- ;; (see
- (defun message-make-in-reply-to ()
- "Return the In-Reply-To header for this message."
- (when message-reply-headers
- (let ((from (mail-header-from message-reply-headers))
- (msg-id (mail-header-id message-reply-headers)))
- (when from
- msg-id))))
- (defconst b/message-cite-style-format "On %Y-%m-%d %l:%M %p, %N wrote:")
- (defconst message-cite-style-bandali
- '((message-cite-function 'message-cite-original)
- (message-citation-line-function 'message-insert-formatted-citation-line)
- (message-cite-reply-position 'traditional)
- (message-yank-prefix "> ")
- (message-yank-cited-prefix ">")
- (message-yank-empty-prefix ">")
- (message-citation-line-format
- (if b/message-cite-say-hi
- (concat "Hi %F,\n\n" b/message-cite-style-format)
- b/message-cite-style-format)))
- "Citation style based on Mozilla Thunderbird's. Use with message-cite-style.")
- (setq ;; message-cite-style 'message-cite-style-bandali
- message-kill-buffer-on-exit t
- message-send-mail-function 'message-send-mail-with-sendmail
- message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header
- message-subscribed-address-functions
- '(gnus-find-subscribed-addresses)
- message-dont-reply-to-names
- "\\(\\(amin@shemshak\\.org\\)\\|\\(.*@aminb\\.org\\)\\|\\(\\(bandali\\|mab\\|aminb?\\)@gnu\\.org\\)\\|\\(a?bandali@\\(csclub\\.\\)?uwaterloo\\.ca\\)\\)")
- ;; (require 'company-ebdb)
- :hook (;; (message-setup . mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)
- (message-mode . flyspell-mode)
- (message-mode . (lambda ()
- ;; (setq-local fill-column b/fill-column
- ;; message-fill-column b/fill-column)
- (make-local-variable 'company-idle-delay)
- (setq company-idle-delay 0.2))))
- ;; :custom-face
- ;; (message-header-subject ((t (:foreground "#111" :weight semi-bold))))
- ;; (message-header-to ((t (:foreground "#111" :weight normal))))
- ;; (message-header-cc ((t (:foreground "#333" :weight normal))))
- :custom
- (message-elide-ellipsis "[...]\n"))
-(use-package mml)
-(use-package mml-sec
- :custom
- (mml-secure-openpgp-encrypt-to-self t)
- (mml-secure-openpgp-sign-with-sender t))
-(use-package footnote
- :after message
- ;; :config
- ;; (setq footnote-start-tag ""
- ;; footnote-end-tag ""
- ;; footnote-style 'unicode)
- :bind
- (:map message-mode-map
- :prefix-map b/footnote-prefix-map
- :prefix "C-c f n"
- ("a" . footnote-add-footnote)
- ("b" . footnote-back-to-message)
- ("c" . footnote-cycle-style)
- ("d" . footnote-delete-footnote)
- ("g" . footnote-goto-footnote)
- ("r" . footnote-renumber-footnotes)
- ("s" . footnote-set-style)))
-(use-package ebdb
- :demand
- :after gnus
- :bind (:map gnus-group-mode-map ("e" . ebdb))
- :config
- (setq ebdb-sources (b/var "ebdb"))
- (with-eval-after-load 'swiper
- (add-to-list 'swiper-font-lock-exclude 'ebdb-mode t)))
-(use-package ebdb-com
- :after ebdb)
-(use-package ebdb-complete
- :after ebdb
- :config
- ;; (setq ebdb-complete-mail 'capf)
- (ebdb-complete-enable))
-(use-package ebdb-message
- :demand
- :after ebdb)
-;; (use-package company-ebdb
-;; :config
-;; (defun company-ebdb--post-complete (_) nil))
-(use-package ebdb-gnus
- :after ebdb
- :custom
- (ebdb-gnus-window-size 0.3))
-(use-package ebdb-mua
- :demand
- :after ebdb
- :custom (ebdb-mua-pop-up t))
-;; (use-package ebdb-message
-;; :after ebdb)
-;; (use-package ebdb-vcard
-;; :after ebdb)
-(use-package message-x)
- (use-package message-x
- :custom
- (message-x-completion-alist
- (quote
- (("\\([rR]esent-\\|[rR]eply-\\)?[tT]o:\\|[bB]?[cC][cC]:" . gnus-harvest-find-address)
- ((if
- (boundp
- (quote message-newgroups-header-regexp))
- message-newgroups-header-regexp message-newsgroups-header-regexp)
- . message-expand-group))))))
- (use-package gnus-harvest
- :commands gnus-harvest-install
- :demand t
- :config
- (if (featurep 'message-x)
- (gnus-harvest-install 'message-x)
- (gnus-harvest-install))))
-(use-package gnus-article-treat-patch
- :disabled
- :demand
- :load-path "lisp/"
- :config
- ;; note: be sure to customize faces with `:foreground "white"' when
- ;; using a theme with a white/light background :)
- (setq ft/gnus-article-patch-conditions
- '("^@@ -[0-9]+,[0-9]+ \\+[0-9]+,[0-9]+ @@")))
-;;; IRC (with ERC and ZNC)
-(use-package erc
- :bind (("C-c b b" . erc-switch-to-buffer)
- :map erc-mode-map
- ("M-a" . erc-track-switch-buffer))
- :custom
- (erc-join-buffer 'bury)
- (erc-lurker-hide-list '("JOIN" "PART" "QUIT"))
- (erc-nick "bandali")
- (erc-prompt "erc>")
- (erc-rename-buffers t)
- (erc-server-reconnect-attempts 5)
- (erc-server-reconnect-timeout 3)
- :config
- (defun erc-cmd-OPME ()
- "Request chanserv to op me."
- (erc-message "PRIVMSG"
- (format "chanserv op %s %s"
- (erc-default-target)
- (erc-current-nick)) nil))
- (defun erc-cmd-DEOPME ()
- "Deop myself from current channel."
- (erc-cmd-DEOP (format "%s" (erc-current-nick))))
- (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'keep-place)
- (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'notifications)
- (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'smiley)
- (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'spelling)
- (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'scrolltoplace)
- (erc-update-modules))
-(use-package erc-fill
- :after erc
- :custom
- (erc-fill-column 77)
- (erc-fill-function 'erc-fill-static)
- (erc-fill-static-center 18))
-(use-package erc-pcomplete
- :after erc
- :custom
- (erc-pcomplete-nick-postfix ", "))
-(use-package erc-track
- :after erc
- :bind (("C-c a e t d" . erc-track-disable)
- ("C-c a e t e" . erc-track-enable))
- :custom
- (erc-track-enable-keybindings nil)
- (erc-track-exclude-types '("JOIN" "MODE" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT"
- "324" "329" "332" "333" "353" "477"))
- (erc-track-position-in-mode-line t)
- (erc-track-priority-faces-only 'all)
- (erc-track-shorten-function nil))
-(use-package erc-hl-nicks
- :after erc)
-(use-package erc-scrolltoplace
- :after erc)
-(use-package znc
- :bind (("C-c a e e" . znc-erc)
- ("C-c a e a" . znc-all))
- :config
- (let ((pwd (let ((auth (auth-source-search :host "znca")))
- (cond
- ((null auth) (error "Couldn't find znca's authinfo"))
- (t (funcall (plist-get (car auth) :secret)))))))
- (setq znc-servers
- `(("" 1337 t
- ((freenode "amin/freenode" ,pwd)))
- ("" 1337 t
- ((oftc "amin/oftc" ,pwd)))))))
-;;; Post initialization
-(message "Loading %s...done (%.3fs)" user-init-file
- (float-time (time-subtract (current-time)
- b/before-user-init-time)))
-;;; init.el ends here