diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e879ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#+property: header-args :comments link :mkdirp yes :results silent
+* About
+This org file contains the configuration files of pretty much every
+program I use. The files are tangled (i.e. exported, or derived) from
+this file using =org-babel=.
+Note: This file is best viewed inside Emacs with org mode.
+* Configs
+** =git=
+*** gitconfig
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.gitconfig
+**** user
+#+begin_src conf
+ name = Amin Bandali
+ email =
+ # signingkey = 4E05246AB0BF7FFB
+**** signing
+#+begin_src conf
+# [commit]
+# gpgsign = true
+# [format]
+# signoff = true
+**** core
+#+begin_src conf
+ autocrlf = input # CRLF -> LF on commit
+ editor = emacsclient -t
+ excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
+ pager = "less"
+**** gpg
+#+begin_src conf
+ program = gpg2
+**** alias
+#+begin_src conf
+ git = !exec git # handle nested git calls, e.g. git git status
+ aliases = config --get-regexp '^alias\\.'
+ a = add
+ s = status
+ sl = status --long
+ c = checkout
+ cb = checkout -b
+ b = branch
+ r = rebase
+ p = pull
+ pr = pull --rebase
+ ps = push
+ psf = push --force
+**** color
+#+begin_src conf
+ ui = auto
+[color "status"]
+ added = green bold
+ changed = red bold
+ untracked = red bold
+[color "branch"]
+ current = green bold
+ remote = magenta bold
+[color "diff"]
+ new = green bold
+ old = red bold
+**** status
+#+begin_src conf
+ # showUntrackedFiles = all
+ short=true
+ branch=true
+**** github
+#+begin_src conf
+ user = aminb
+*** gitignore
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.gitignore_global
+#+begin_src conf