path: root/pentadactyl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pentadactyl')
2 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pentadactyl/.pentadactyl/colors/zenburn.penta b/pentadactyl/.pentadactyl/colors/zenburn.penta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1817ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pentadactyl/.pentadactyl/colors/zenburn.penta
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+" FileName: zenburn.penta
+" Author: zouyang
+" Last Updated: Fri 07 Oct 2011 00:07:19 AM CST
+hi Cmd background-color:#3F3F3F;
+hi -a StatusLineNormal color:#ccdc90; background-color:#3F3F3F !important;
+hi -a 'StatusLineBroken [dactyl|highlight*="Status"]' background-color:transparent !important;color:#313633 !important;
+hi -a 'StatusLineExtended [dactyl|highlight*="Status"]' background-color:transparent !important;color:#313633 !important;
+hi -a 'StatusLineSecure [dactyl|highlight*="Status"]' background-color:transparent !important;color:#313633 !important;
+hi -a String color:#cc9393;
+hi -a Boolean color:#dca3a3;
+hi -a Function color:#efef8f;
+hi -a Number color:#8cd0d3;
+hi WarningMsg color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;
+hi WarningMsg>* color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold;
+hi -l WarningMsg StatusWarningMsg
+hi -l WarningMsg CmdWarningMsg
+hi ErrorMsg color:#80d4aa !important; font-weight:bold;
+hi -l ErrorMsg StatusErrorMsg
+hi -l ErrorMsg CmdErrorMsg
+hi -a ModeMsg color:#ffcfaf; background-color:transparent !important;
+hi -l ModeMsg StatusModeMsg
+hi -l ModeMsg CmdModeMsg
+hi -a MoreMsg color:#ffffff !important; background-color:inherit !important; font-weight:bold;
+hi -l MoreMsg StatusMoreMsg
+hi -l MoreMsg CmdMoreMsg
+hi -l Cmd InfoMsg color:#cccccc !important;
+hi -l InfoMsg StatusInfoMsg
+hi -l InfoMsg CmdInfoMsg
+hi Question color:#ffffff !important; background-color:inherit !important; font-weight:bold;
+hi -l Question StatusQuestion
+hi -l Question CmdQuestion
+hi -a Tag color:#e89393; font-weight:bold;
+hi -a CmdLine font-weight:normal; padding:0 3px;
+hi -a NonText color:#404040; font-weight:bold;
+hi Normal color:#dcdccc !important; background-color:#3F3F3F !important; font-size:9pt;
+hi -l Normal CmdNormal
+hi -l Normal StatusNormal
+hi -l Normal Indicator width:4px;
+hi -a Title color:#efefef; background-color:inherit; font-weight:bold;
+hi -a CompItem[selected] background-color:#4c504d !important;
+hi -a CompMore margin-bottom:0;margin-top:.5ex;
+" hi -a CompMore::after content:"﹀"
+hi -a CompLess margin-top:.5ex;margin-bottom:1ex;
+" hi -a CompLess::after content:"︿"
+hi -a CompTitle color:lightblue; background-color:transparent;
+hi -a CompTitleSep background:-moz-linear-gradient(60deg, lightblue, white); height:1px;
+hi -a CompResult width:46%;
+hi -a CompDesc width:52%;
+hi -a Filter font-style:normal; font-weight:bold;
+hi -a Keyword color:#f0dfaf; font-weight:bold;
+hi -a URL text-decoration:none; color:#9ECE9E; background-color:inherit;
+hi -a URL:hover text-decoration:underline; cursor: pointer;
+hi -a LineNr color:#9fafaf; background-color:#262626;
+hi -l Normal REPL
+hi -a REPL font-family:"Lucida Console","Bitstream Vera Sans Mono",Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",serif;white-space:pre;line-height:1.4em;margin:1em 0;padding: 0.5em 0 0.3em 0;
+hi -a REPL-P font-size:92%;margin:0.2em 0;border-bottom:1px dashed #999;
+hi -a REPL-R
+hi -a REPL-E
+" plugin styles
+hi -a BufTabSelected background-color:#000;color:#FFF;
+" specific
+hi -a NonText color:#5b605e; font-weight:bold;
+hi -a StatusCmdLine -moz-box-align:center;
+" vim: set ft=pentadactyl:ts=4:sw=4:tw=0:
diff --git a/pentadactyl/.pentadactylrc b/pentadactyl/.pentadactylrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd6b0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pentadactyl/.pentadactylrc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+loadplugins '\.(js|penta)$'
+group user
+set cdpath=''
+colorscheme zenburn
+"" scroll more
+nmap -builtin j 5j
+nmap -builtin k 5k
+"" w/e switch tabs
+nmap -builtin J <C-p>
+nmap -builtin K <C-n>
+"" U list closed tabs
+nmap -builtin U :undo<Space>
+"" viewsource in new tab
+nmap -builtin gf :tab viewsource<CR>
+"" use d and u for up and down
+nmap -builtin d <C-d>
+nmap -builtin u <C-u>
+"" use x and X for close and undo
+nmap -builtin x d
+nmap -builtin X u
+"" swap y/Y
+nmap -builtin y Y
+nmap -builtin Y y
+"" swap p/P
+nmap -builtin p P
+nmap -builtin P p
+"" private mode
+nmap -builtin ,p <C-S-p>
+"" open addons manager
+nmap -builtin ,a :dialog addons<CR>
+"" downloads
+nmap -builtin ,d :downloads<CR>
+"" fullscreen
+nmap -builtin ,F :set fullscreen!<CR>
+"" about:config
+nmap -builtin ,C :tabopen about:config<CR>
+"" semicolon
+nmap -builtin ; :
+nmap -builtin : ;
+"" duckduckgo
+set defsearch=duckduckgo
+" vim: set ft=pentadactyl: